Is your business under 3 years old? Struggling to get or retain customers?
For businesses of every size and budget and delivers real results.
All too often business owners feel their marketing is out of control. Especially when you're in the start-up phase. Relying on agencies can be overwhelming becuase marketing is costly and you need a sense of urgency for attacting new clients to survive.
If you feel like you could do a better job yourself of your marketing, then you’re not alone.
As a business owner you’re completely invested in making the business a success. That's why we want to turn you from frustrated and fed up to being in control of your marketing and spending money that creates a result.
Every business needs some help to know what digital and marketing they need and what will deliver results. And that's the expertise Strategy CODES can bring.
So here's the secret, there's a unique strategic code in every business, once unlocked, provides the blueprint to accelerate your market leadership and effective marketing. Once we uncover your Strategy CODES, you get back control of your marketing and no need for agencies unless you choose!
You'll be able to make effective marketing decisions for your business and start seeing sustainable results.
What we've found over the years of helping small business is, if we can give you the STRATEGY first, then provide Training and Mentoring, you're able to do the majority of it yourself and save thousands of dollars.
We're also there if you need any technical or design help from time to time.
Strategy CODES unlocks the right marketing activities for your business and helps you make clearer decisions. There are 5 factors that once identified, provide the blueprint to discover your marketing priorities.
Most importantly you’ll discover what activities are more likely to create faster results for your business irrespective of the industry product or service. This is not a one size fits all approach. There can be two almost identical business that have very different CODES and therefore very different marketing strategies required.
Once we have the right strategy for you, we get to work building your in-house capability. By knowing your Strategy CODES, we know the marketing priority areas for your business, we’ll put together a custom training program that runs for typically 12 to 24 weeks depending on your needs.
Don't worry you'll start seeing results within a couple of weeks!
We take you or your team through every aspect of marketing that is needed for YOUR BUSINESS. That means we don’t waste time on training on things that won’t benefit you. That focused training means you don’t waste a cent on trailing new marketing tactics that won’t work.
The one-on-one training style means we make sure the concept is understood and can be actioned by you or your team.
Mentoring sessions cover anything and everything. We answer all your questions and dive into your current marketing strategy, review what you've created and uncover what needs to be tweaked or changed.
Each session provides real time guidance and support from copywriting, to reviewing you're agency performance. We help you prioritise and clean up your marketing so it is spot on. These are doing sessions! So things do drag out or get left undone.
So whether you need advice on marketing metrics, what the scope of your website should include, or how to write effective ads, we have you covered.
The very first step is a Strategy CODES Session to unlock what marketing is right for your business. There are two, one and half hour sessions where we firstly uncover your CODES and in the second session decide the priority areas based on your budget, urgency and market pressure. This is a collaborative approach and we allow a week between sessions so both of us have time for the necessary research ahead of the second session.
We provide a written marketing strategy report with recommendations. We cover everything for the Marketing Strategy, Channel Strategy, Content Strategy, Social Media and much more.
At this point you can choose to take the strategy and run with it yourself or let us help you implement it.
Pay upfront or an easy 3-pay payment option of $255 per week.
Once your strategy is complete you can choose from any of the following:
Minimum 4 sessions
Expiry 2 months
Includes both mentoring and training sessions each alternate week.
Is ideal to build in-house expertise and standard operating procedures for your marketing team, even if you use external agencies.
Minimum 12 sessions
Expiry 6 months
Funnel Structure
Social Posting
Landing Pages
Ads copy and design
Video Scripts
Email marketing
Marketing Technology
Marketing Roles and Recruitment
Marketing Metrics
Market Research
Offer Creation
Website Scope, Design and Copywriting
Marketing Compliance & WCAG
eCommerce & Online Cart Optimisation
Product Descriptions
Direct Response Copywriting
Creating Downloads and Lead Magnets
Brand & Design
Value Propositions
Creating Dashboards
PPC marketing Search and Social
Online Reputation Management
Minimum 6 sessions
Expiry 3 months
Annie is the founder of Omudra, a yoga wellness brand. She had just started her business with her very first product - handwoven yoga mats. At the point she engaged Strategy CODES she had no sales and basic site built. Within the first 4 weeks she had rebuilt the site, created a brand and had consistent sales. Since starting 4-5 months earilier, she now has a new revenue stream about to be launched for live Omudra classes and is returning consistent profits from the yoga mats.
Simply click the button below to get your customised Strategy CODES digital marketing plan and start seeing results.
Pay upfront or an easy 3-pay payment option of $255 per week.
Want to discuss if Strategy CODES is right for you first?
Click on the Quick Chat Button below and book a free 15 minute chat to ask us anything.
As a start-up, there are a number of unique reasons your business could be struggling and ultimately unless we address those as quickly as possible, failure from running out of cash, being over committed and not getting customers, is likely. We developed Strategy CODES to combat this. It gets you to make a few critical decisions which means you're more likely to succeed in the long run and help laser focus your marketing so you're not wasting time, money and effort in the wrong areas.
Once you have your Strategy CODES plan you can decide to brief an agency to implement it, or let us help you or your team do the implementation. What we found is if we upskill your business in the first few years of operation, you're more likely to succeed in your marketing efforts and beat the competition. Relying entirely on agencies can mean be hit and miss, but at least with a Strategy CODES plan you'll be more likely to succeed. The other reason we like to get you involved in the marketing is it demystifies it and you're much more likely to be passionate about watching the numbers, seeing the trends and then will know what needs to change compared to an agency that is only looking at once a month. That's why we changed our business model to better suit a solution that ultimately makes us redundant and you successful.
CODES combines the fundamental framework that successful companies have, into an easy-to-adopt method. It combines five elements that are used to structure your marketing. Don’t take our word for it, if you schedule a call today, we will share an overview of CODES framework with you immediately, and you’ll quickly understand how knowing this will transform your business and your marketing.
The Strategy is the critical piece for the training and mentoring, it sets up what the business should be focused on. Without it your marketing just isn't as effective. It helps you and us decide the right path, how quickly you'll see results and much training or mentoring you'll need. If it's a matter of timing because you need cash in quickly we can do some emergency triage on your marketing to help. Please let us know that in your first session.
The training focuses on the core activities required to delviery the strategy and the results. We give you simple step-by-step training so you can draft, build or buy your marketing like a pro. The mentoring is anywhere you get stuck, want something reviewed or checked or need an expert to do it for you. The mentoring let's you see behind the scenes and means you can feel confident your on the right path. Unlike normal training courses or consulting we are upskilling you to be able to market your business effectively. In the future if you ever need our help you can just purhase a once off session to help.
This comes down to how much you can get done we typically recommend no longer than 2 weeks between sessions and no sooner than once a week, unless you have a deadline. That gives you and your team enough time to implement the tasks and be ready for the next activity. We keep you on track and accountable so your investment in building your business returns a result.